Category Archives: Parenting Advice

Advice On Raising A Child Who Is Gifted

A child who is gifted needs things to stimulate his mind. When you give him appropriate challenges, he gets a chance to develop his potentials. That does not mean that you have to spend a lot of money buying special lesson programs for him. A lot of things around his environment can be used to…

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Advice For The Breastfeeding Working Mother

Making the decision to breastfeed your baby is oftentimes a personal decision that is judged by others and can be difficult to come to. It is especially difficult for a mother that has plans to get back to work and continue breastfeeding. Leaving your baby and getting back to work is hard enough and it…

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Advice For Living Cohesively With Your Teenager

Raising teenagers can be a trying time in a parents life. Compared to teenagers, toddlers seem to be walk in the park. The teenage years are sensitive ones, where emotions are felt with raw intensity. The teenage years also bring a struggle for power, as they yearn for their independence. If you are finding raising…

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